QLM Welcomed Visitors on Its First Opening Day of the Loong Year


On February12, Qian Xuesen Library & Museum ushered in its first opening day of theYear of the Loong. QLM’s vice director Dr. Zhang Yong, volunteers and other staff on duty all waited in the lobby hall to welcome the first groups of visitors in the new lunar year. The first ten family group/individuals received a gift package from the museum.


Nearly 1100 people walked into the museum in the morning. Visitors can leave their new year messages in the Spring Festival board in the lobby hall. During the Festival, QLM launched two micro exhibitions: 1) Qian Xuesen and His Story in the Year of the Loong, 2) Happy New Year: Traditional Auspicious Patterns of the Spring Festival. Related educational activities are also arranged for visitors of different ages throughout the new year. 

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